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Spokane C.O.P.S. Block Watch

Karene Garlich-Loman

Karene, a seasoned real estate professional with two decades of experience, is a true industry luminary...

Karene, a seasoned real estate professional with two decades of experience, is a true industry luminary...

Jul 30 5 minutes read

Many such crimes, including increases in crime against property and vehicle theft, are connected to an increase in drug/ trafficking/usage and gang activity. The impact such crimes have on the community resources affects us all. Participation in Block Watch fights the isolation and separation that crime creates and feeds upon, it forges bonds among your neighbors, helps reduce burglaries and other crime, and improve relations between the police and community they serve.

"Block Watch is a communication program that focuses on crime prevention by education and involving neighbors to reduce their risk of becoming victims." - Mission Statement 

1. National Night Out

Join the many Spokane neighborhood Block Watch Parties on the 2nd Tuesday of August. These parties are a way to give crime a “Going Away Party” by holding their annual neighborhood gathering on the first Tuesday of August. National Night Out is a great opportunity to share in a barbecue or ice cream social with neighbors while updating contacts, maps and other useful information. Contact your nearest C.O.P.S. Substation for further details.

2. Prevention Works


     ✅ Residential Burglaries  and Break-ins

     ✅ Drug / Party Houses

     ✅ Gang Activity

     ✅ Vandalism

     ✅ Graffiti

     ✅ Vehicle Prowling

     ✅ Theft

3. Your Neighborhood is a Great Place for Block Watch

BLOCK WATCH makes sense being located in your neighborhood. C.O.P.S. volunteers – your friends, are trained to help you. C.O.P.S. will assist you with your phone trees, maps, printed materials, and educational speakers for neighborhood meetings.

BLOCK WATCH provides a direct link with the Spokane Police Department and your Neighborhood Resource Officer (NRO). Get to know your NRO!  

BLOCK WATCH “Neighbor-to-Neighbor” network is a link to disaster preparedness and emergency response services by partnering with CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams). All personal Block Watch information is strictly confidential.

4. Crime Free Multi-Housing Program 

Spokane C.O.P.S. administers the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program (CFMH) to assist landlords in reducing crime and calls fro police service by promoting crime prevention safety in the living environment of apartment communities. Membership in the program requires 16 hours of training, meeting minimum Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) requirements, holding tow documented meetings per year with tenants and becoming a liaison to the nearest neighborhood C.O.P.S. or S.C.O.P.E substation. For further information call C.O.P.S. at 835-4572

5. Spokane C.O.P.S. Neighborhood Substations

Greater Spokane C.O.P.S. ………….…….. 755-2677

C.O.P.S. East Central ……………….……. 625-3330

C.O.P.S. Logan ………………………….... 625-3333

C.O.P.S. Neva-Wood …………………….. 635-3353

C.O.P.S. North Central …………………... 625-3348

C.O.P.S. Northeast ……………………….. 625-3343

C.O.P.S. North Hill (Mobile Unit) …….…. 625-3346

C.O.P.S. Northwest ……………..…….….. 625-3336

C.O.P.S. Southeast ……………..……..….. 625-3326

C.O.P.S. West ……………..………….….. 625-3340

Lewis & Clark C.O.P.S. ……………..…… 354-6941

Mission Ave. C.O.P.S. …………………… 625-3301

CRIME CHECK – 456-2233

6. Operation I.D.

Operation I.D. is an important Block Watch connection. Engravings and instructions are available at each C.O.P.S. Substation. Engraving your property and displaying this protective sticker on doors and windows can help:

     ✅ Reduce your chances of a burglary

     ✅ Discourage fencing of stolen property

     ✅ Assist in its recover and return

     ✅ Provide evidence in the arrest