Winter Preparation

As Winter is fast approaching, the professionals inspectors provide homeowners with the following tips to ensure their homes are well prepared and more energy-efficient throughout the coming months.


Inspect around windows and doors for cracks and seal any openings with caulk or weather stripping to prevent air and water from getting into your home.

Have a professional evaluate the amount of insulation in your home to ensure it is properly insulated and will keep your energy costs down.

Replace batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they’re working properly.

Visibly check the fireplace opening for loose or missing bricks and have screens in place to protect against any embers that may escape.

Look for raised, loose, or missing roof shingles and replace them, if needed, to prevent water from getting in and creating leaks.

Remove hoses from outside spigots and store them during the winter months.

Clean debris from gutters to prevent water from collecting and freezing.

Make sure all downspouts are pointed away from the foundation.

Have the HVAC units inspected and change furnace filters monthly for cleaner indoor air and maximum energy efficiency.

Program thermostats to lower temperatures while at work or sleeping.

These simple steps can help homeowners maintain the overall health and safety of their home during the winter season.     

While You're Away

The holidays are an exciting time, especially if you plan on traveling. Whether you’re visiting family or going somewhere warm for the winter, it’s important to take security precautions when leaving your home unattended. The following are steps you can take to deter potential burglars from making your home a target this season:


Consider an Upgrade

Locking your doors and windows is a good start, but if you don’t yet have a home security system, consider getting one. There are a variety of smart options out there now, from comprehensive systems to individual features, such as the Ring Video Doorbell, which detects motion and provides
a view of your front door on your smartphone.

Put Lights on a Timer

A house that is constantly dark is a good sign to burglars that no one is home. Set indoor and patio lights on automatic timers. There are timers and smart light bulbs you can control via your smartphone, like the Philips Hue.    

Combat the Elements

If you live in an area where it snows during the winter months, hire someone to shovel and clear the sidewalks while you’re gone. This will keep snow from piling up if any falls while you’re away, which can fool potential thieves and make shoveling a less daunting task when you return. 

Hold Your Mail

Another obvious sign that no one is home is when newspapers, packages, and other mail pile-up in your mailbox or at the front door. Put a hold on your mail or ask a neighbor to pick it up and keep it until you return from vacation. If you expect large packages to be delivered while you’re gone, consider having them sent to the store or an Amazon Locker.

Put Social Media on Pause

You may want to post about your vacation plans or photos on social media, but wait until you’re back home. Letting everyone know before or during your travels is also letting them know that your house is empty.

Baby it's Cold Outside

In many states, winter brings impelecent weather and overall dreariness to the landscape. Winter is also considered the “slow” season for the real estate industry, as people may not be moving and selling quite as often as during the spring and summer months. However, buyers during the off-season are often serious and want to move in as quickly as possible, so it can still be a good time to sell. Here are five tips for getting your home in shape and making it as appealing as possible during the winter months:


Light it Up

If it’s gray and dreary outside, make your home as bright as you can by opening blinds, shutters, and drapes to let in as much natural light as possible. Turn
on every light in the house as well, including closet lights and desktop lamps.

Stay Warm

Keep your home at a comfortable tempera- ture, and try to warm it up before buyers walk through, so the HVAC doesn’t kick on and create excess noise. If you have a fireplace, light it—just be sure to place a screen in front of it and tend to it regularly.

Create Ambiance

A warm and cozy atmosphere is more than just temperature. Make sure buyers feel welcome by playing soft music, such as classical, light jazz or non-religious holiday music if it’s that time of the year. Offer cups of hot apple cider or cocoa as refreshments. Give the impression that every room is move-in ready by staging them with a specific mood in mindset the dining room table for a romantic dinner or set up a spa-like experience in the master bathroom.

Keep a Clear Path                                  

Shovel snow off of the walkway and sidewalk—even while snow is falling—to make sure there’s always a clear path to your home for potential buyers. Also, consider shoveling a path from the street to the sidewalk to ensure they don’t have to dig their way through snowdrifts. Scrape and salt the paths for maximum safety.

Be Prepared                                  

 If you know you’ll be listing your home during winter, take photos of your home beforehand, so buyers know what the light and landscaping look like in the summertime.

Tales from the Twins

We are officially on Winter break and have been enjoying our time away from online school! Our mom has taken us skiing a few times at Lookout which is my favorite thing to do in the Winter season. And we are both excited to celebrate the holidays and our mom & aunt's birthday this week. Kenzie doesn't love the Wintertime, so having something to celebrate makes it better. Happy birthday to our mom & aunt, and happy holidays.

~ Carson (& Kenzie)

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