Scripts and Tools

Here are a number of free real estate sales scripts that will help hone your communication skills when working with buyers, sellers, and potential leads.  You are free to download them and use them on your own, and if you work with me, I’ll use my industry experience to role play with you on a regular basis, until these communication skills are a natural part of your daily tool set. 

Lead Generation and Phone Scripts: 

  • The Basic Door Knocking Script. This script takes all the guess work out of door knocking.  It’s also an awesome resource for great questions you can ask anywhere, not just at the door!
  • FSBO Script #1.  A script to get you in the door for For Sale By Owners
  • SOI Script. Using your Sphere of Influence is a great way to generate referrals NOW!  Choose from 1 of 4 SOI Scripts based on your current situation.
  • Circle Prospecting Script. One of the BEST scripts for calling around a Farm Area and generating Seller Leads!
  • Leave a Message Script. Here’s a script that will almost guarantee a return phone call!
  • Just SOLD Script. The perfect script for calling around a neighborhood after you’ve just sold a listing. 

Working With Buyers: 

Working With Sellers: 

Tools, Forms & How To’s:

  • Weekly Accountability Tracker.  A form specifically designed to track the numbers that matter most in your business.
  • Daily 20 Contact Tracker.  Use this tool to keep you on track daily. Your daily results add up to your weekly, monthly and yearly-so make it count! 
  • Affirmations.  At Youngblood Coaching & Consulting we believe that the conversations you have with yourself are the most important, why not make them great ones?
  • How To Do The Best Open House.  Don’t reinvent the wheel, follow these instructions to maximize Open Houses.
  • Month to Month Escrow Planner.  Use this tool to calculate the total number of escrows you must OPEN in a year to meet your Closed Unit Goal, then assign those openings throughout the year accordingly!
  • Lead Generation Challenge. Use this tool to break down the strategies you’ll use to be successful in real estate.